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Besides powerful extenstions for Firefox and Chrome SERPTrends offers a lot of useful information about websites. We're constantly working on delivering new usefult features to you, so you always find something new.
In this section you can see some of ads which show in search engines for this website. This information is very useful, if you thinking to advertise your website. We suggest you first come to SERPTrends and research what your competitors write in their ads.
In this section your find top 10 Ad Keywords and Organic Keywords.
Ad Keywords is a list of keywords which you can search on Google and see ads for this domain. This is again is very important information to look at if you starting to advertise in AdWords. It's important to know which keywords your competitors use.
Organic keywords is a list of non-paid keywords you can search on Google and find this domain. This together with ad keywords make a better picture of current website perfomance.
Sample Ad Keywords
Sample Organic Keywords
the british store
Unfortunately, now we provide stats only for first 10 keywords per site, but we are hoping to increase this number in the future. British Food Shopping British Expats Supermarket

British food shopping for British Expats. British Corner Shop is the online British supermarket with worldwide delivery. The Expat food shop.
Keywords: cornershop; british expats; british food online; britishexpats; british food shopping; british supermarket; british ex pats; food shops uk; english food online; expats british; British Emporium sells English groceries and gifts in North Texas: English Christmas gifts and foods now in store!

Keywords: the british shop; english grocery; english gifts; british groceries; british gifts; british emporium; monty python gifts; www.british; south african groceries; english food stores; The British Food Depot

Welcome Expats and lovers of the British Isles to British Food Depot, the fast and convenient online store offering your favorite British foods right here in the USA.
Keywords: food depot; punjana tea bags; food depo; British Food Shop

British food in the USA. A wide range of British groceries at low prices with fast shipping.
Keywords: food shop; british shop; british food; british store; british food shop; the british shop; trebor mints; british food stores; english food shop; british food store; Bridgham and Cook, Ltd. | Welcome

Welcome Looking to buy British food in the US as well as a great selection of goods and gifts? In our online store and in our retail shop in Freeport, Maine you will find hundreds of different food...
Keywords: newgate clocks; tartan blanket; tartan blankets; tartan scarves; british gifts; british goods; pitkin guides; malt glasses; mamade marmalade; car shields; British Isles Online

British Isles has been filling the demands of Houston's cosmopolitan consumers for British merchandise since 1993. We stock china and crystal, formal and casual dinnerware, gifts, collectibles, toiletries and a good variety of greeting cards, maps and books from and about Britain and Ireland. British Isles also supplies food, tea and candy--everyday favorites and gourmet.
Keywords: british isles; dunoon mugs; dunoon mug; royal crown derby paperweights; rye pottery; highland stoneware; british shop; british isle; dunoon pottery; royal crown derby cat; The British Store

The British Store - Minden, ami Brit!
Keywords: stowford press cider; English tea, British food and gifts, jams, biscuits, sweets

The British Shoppe - Gourmet British foods, teas, gifts
Keywords: british shop; silver tea strainer; brown betty teapot; yorkshire pudding recipe; english tea; yorkshire gold tea; tea strainers; the british shop; brown betty tea pot; sugar tongs;
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